
About PerfectDayToPlay Blog

PerfectDayToPlay Blog: adventurous family sharing exceptional kids-friendly experiences while helping others live healthy, eco-friendly & sustainable lifestyle!

PerfectDayToPlay Blog and PerfectDayToPlay TV: adventurous family sharing exceptional kids-friendly travel and outdoor experiences while helping others live a healthy, eco-friendly & sustainable lifestyle!

We are so happy you are here!
We are an adventurous family exploring the wilderness, sharing exceptional family experiences & our life, while helping others live a joyful, healthy, eco-friendly, and sustainable lifestyle. 
We believe in making memories every single day! 
Cheerfully yours, 
Alexandra, Alex, and Cosmos


Why “Perfect Day To Play”?

You've probably heard “work hard play hard” phrase? Well, our family doesn't believe in it. We believe that, given the right approach in applying your passion and selecting the right occupation, work doesn't have to feel like work at all.

Hence with this PerfectDayToPlay Blog, we want to focus on everything that's NOT work in the traditional sense, and briefly on how you can choose to live the lifestyle you want while playfully bringing in income.

From family travel to outdoor activities, from fun family learning to a healthy and eco-focused sustainable lifestyle, here on our PerfectDayToPlay Blog you'll find tons of tips, advice on how to enhance your life with joy, fun, and happiness!



Family Travel

Family travel adventures in Hawaii and blog by PerfectDayToPlay - family of bloggers


Most of everything in the world WE LOVE TRAVEL 🌎🌍🌏 ✈️. Before we had Cosmos, Alex and I used to travel, like, A LOT. With Cosmos coming along it became even better, as we are now privileged to share our passion, and teach a brand new human being everything we know 🤗 

Hey, but let’s not just stop at one human being, right?!! With PerfectDayToPlay Blog we are excited to share the best of our travel experiences, guides, travel tips, tricks & stunning photos! 4 continents, 20+ countries, 200+ cities.







Family Outdoor Adventures

Travel family experiences and blog by PerfectDayToPlay - family of bloggers


As a family of nature lovers from Beautiful British Columbia, Canada, we want to educate our children and empower families to live a healthy & active lifestyle by spending as much time outdoors as possible.

What’s the better way to spend your days than roaming the wilderness?!!

On our PerfectDayToPlay blog's “Hiking & Outdoors” category we provide a selection of spectacular trails, both kid-friendly and adult-only (check for the tags)!  All of the trails we’ve been to walked and done ourselves!







Beautiful British Columbia

Family travel adventures in Canada and blog by PerfectDayToPlay - family of bloggers

To say we are in love with our Beautiful British Columbia is to say nothing at all.. Our decision to move and live in Canada’s Pacific province – was the best decision of our lives! Before coming West, we lived in Toronto, Ontario for 10+ years.

You may be wondering, why are we using “beautiful” next to BC anytime we mention the province? Precisely because BC is Beautiful, dah…. 😍  😍  😍  Also, that’s how the locals are lovingly calling it.

…and remarkably, that’s even how the Province is issuing its car license plates – come and see! Our car license plates have not only “Beautiful British Columbia” written on them, but some have printouts of mountains, and some – bears 🙂

Our hearts are tied to Beautiful BC forever. With our PerfectDayToPlay blog, we are so excited to share Beautiful BC's incredible scenery, ocean & mountains, fantastic weather, thriving wildlife, delicious local produce & best places to eat, eco-focused natural and organic local products, and strong sustainability agenda of both BC's residents and businesses. We'll also tell you all about why British Columbia is one of the best family travel destinations in the World!



Kids-Friendly Hikes and Accessible Trails

Family travel outdoors hiking destinations and blog by PerfectDayToPlay - family of bloggers


Through the PerfectDayToPlay blog and PerfectDayToPlay TV YouTube channel, we try to encourage families to be spending as much time outdoors as possible with their babies. Moms struggling with postpartum will definitely benefit from being outside more often too! We hope to help make that happen!

We have a special “Kids-Friendly Hikes” category: our collection of specifically kids-friendly, stroller-accessible and wheelchair accessible hikes and easy trails. These are the hikes we’ve personally done with our son Cosmos, who is now 3.5 yo. We confirm these hikes are easy trails & kids-friendly. If the trail is stroller/wheelchair-accessible, we’ll explicitly state it inside a blog post.

In addition we provide a description of available amenities so you can plan your day. We know first-hand how hard it is to plan when you have to constantly think about breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, diapering, and a million other things.  Hope you find these tips useful 🙂




Eco, Sustainable & Healthy Living

Active outdoor kids in British Columbia - hiking with family


As active and engaged parents, one of our goals is to educate our children and empower families to live a healthy, active eco-lifestyle by encouraging exploration with little to no foot-print.

In our “Eco” category you’ll find a collection of our personal experiences, products, tips & recommendations on how to improve your “green score”. From personal care products to clothing, to food & cooking, to actual travel experiences… giving preference to eco-friendly recyclable & fair-trade products is a good start, but there is much more you could do to take better care of both yourself and the planet.

In addition, we’ll be happy to partner up with companies, services, and individuals that promote healthy, fun, eco-friendly, sustainable living, travel, and adventure experiences.

We care deeply for the environment and mother nature:
the alignment in this area is extremely important to us.

Do you have a website, a blog, social media channel, educational program, or a social group that promotes healthy sustainable family life?!  We’ll be excited to hear from you! Send us a message and let’s connect partner-up or exchange back-links on PerfectDayToPlay blog!⠀



Fun Learning

Kids learning activities, family resources guide


We are strong believers that anything and everything can be learned regardless of your age, gender, and other criteria people are typically judged based on. The key to learning, or teaching your kids something, is creating genuine interest and linking the learning process to the fun. Yes, travel is our absolute top fun activity to be done with kids. But we’re not limiting the family to travel experiences only.

We are all about creating memories, and being always open-minded and excited about trying new things, food, places, books, you name it!

In the “Fun Learning” category we collect family-friendly activities, experiences, and attractions that have some aspect of exploration & adventure, but also enhance the whole family with newly acquired knowledge. From old train museums to local farms, to bee centers, to kayaking experiences, to learning how to knit – anything and everything is of interest!




From Hustler to Blogger

Are you a hustler and overachiever who's tired of corporate job or from running own brick-and-mortar business 24/7? Are you at the edge of exhaustion and nearing personal burnout? Are you, like me, tired of seeing Instagram stories and ads of people who brag travelling and living their life 24/7? Are you wondering if this lifestyle is even possible? ..and with kids to that point?

…I mean, I am reading some blogs out there and see families travel like 100-150 days per year – I want to do just that! Don't you?

Or are you cool and good, but simply need a bit of blogging and social media advice?

You are at the right spot!

Hi, I’m Alexandra

PerfectDayToPlay blogger - Alexandra

In my real life, I am a business/career kick-ass girl, overachiever type. With the goal of becoming independent, I’ve tried literally everything, which almost led me to burnout. More about me and my story HERE.

Long story short, in this blog I am sharing my experience of transitioning from the “hamster-wheel-running” business startup 24/7  “Hustler life” to a well-balanced lifestyle, focused on self-care and my family.

I’ve picked-up Blogging and Social Media Marketing along the way, as something to invest in both as a hobby and as a potential venue to draw future passive income from. Now it is extremely important I am not spending more time than it absolutely necessary on routine, admin and operational tasks. Instead I am full on strategy and developing ways to truly automate everything I can.

In the “Travel Blogging” section of PerfectDayToPlay, I am sharing what I’ve learned about blogging, social media, and blogging tools, hacks, tips, tricks, support, courses. Whatever your goal, you'll have my box of tricks open!


Partner with us

We are thrilled to share exceptional experiences, promote products, and refer our readers to destinations and services we absolutely love! We are always looking for new destinations and stories to share and we welcome the opportunity to hear your partnership ideas with PerfectDayToPlay Blog and PerfectDayToPlay TV YouTube channel.




If you are curious to know more about us, or have more questions – check out our Frequently Asked Questions page, or send us a message!

Leave us your feedback in comments to our blog posts and youtube videos too: we read all the comments and will be happy to hear from our readers!

cheerfully yours,


Cheerfully yours,

Alexandra, Alex and Cosmos


PerfectDayToPlay Blog: adventurous family sharing exceptional kids-friendly experiences while helping others live healthy, eco-friendly & sustainable life