SHOP Hiking, Camping, Outdoor Gear & Clothing Brands and Products
PerfectDayToPlay “little store” offers both: our own products for travel-loving, outdoorsy and eco-focused families, and recommendations for brands and gear we really love and use in our real life. On this page, you can SHOP hiking, camping, outdoor gear & clothing brands, and products that our team personally uses.
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- Hiking & Camping gear
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- Kids clothing & footwear
Hiking and Camping With Kids Gear

You can also see our outdoor photo gear and video equipment recommendations here.

I have this one in pink & turquoise!

I have this hat in magenta pink!

Although the stroller is being advertised for jogging, we found it excellent for off-road hiking!
Outdoor Camping and Hiking Gear Reviews
Family Camping in Jasper & Banff: What to Bring. Alberta Trip Packing List.
Alberta National Parks Hiking and Camping Packing List: everything you’d ever need to have a memorable, worry-free, super-fun adventure with your kids in Jasper and Banff National Parks!
Camping With a Baby – Six Baby Gear Essentials To Take With You
Six Baby Camping Gear Essentials guide will give parents resources to comfortably camp with infant babies: travel product and kids gear review.
Women Clothing and Footwear

I have this one in azure blue!

I absolutely love both of my Helly Hansens!
Kids Clothing and Footwear
Kids Outdoor Gear and Clothing Reviews
Best Hiking Shoes For Kids Complete Guide: How to Choose and Where to Buy
Complete shopping guide to hiking shoes for kids. Learn what to look for when buying hiking shoes for your child (toddler or teen): comfort and safety tips, kids hiking shoe brands, places to buy + a video guide.
Hiking Shoes for Kids: How To Choose? Things to look for? Brand recommendations. [VIDEO]
Learn how to choose good hiking shoes for your toddlers and young kids to ensure both comfort and safety on your hiking adventures. Get our recommendations for brands with quality kids-specific hiking footwear lines.
Review: KidORCA Rain Boots For Kids
Our review of KidORCA natural rubber rain boots for toddlers. Above the knee, completely leak-proof, comfortable, breathable, eco-friendly. We gave these boots A+