5 Lame Excuses Not To Visit Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna. Debunked.

kangaroo farm in Kelowna BC Canada visit review feature

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5 Lame Excuses Not To Visit Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna. Debunked.

Find out why you should definitely take your kids to Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna, BC on your summer trip to Okanagan: our visit review, tips, rules, and tons of photos!

large red kangaroo standing
Large Red Roo is posing for photos at Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna

Kangaroos? in Canada? Indeed. Kangaroo Creek Farm is a popular kids attraction located near Kelowna, in Okanagan Valley, British Columbia Canada. In addition to dozens of free-roaming furry Roos, the farm is home to a whole variety of exotic wildlife and birds. Kids can enjoy animal close animal interactions – yes, touching and petting of most animals are allowed! While parents' cameras and phones will burst from the amount of super-cute photos. Having unique memories to reflect on are definitely worth the trip to Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna. No excuses! In this post, we are debunking most of the popular “neeeh's..” and provide a review of our own recent trip to Kangaroo Creek Farm, along with some visit tips and on-site rules.

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Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna, BC 

Kangaroo Creek Farm, located just on the outskirts of Kelowna, British Columbia, is a truly unique attraction that is definitely unexpected in Canada.  

Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna main entrance
Kangaroo Creek Farm welcome stand near the main entrance

The Farm is widely spread over a mix of field and forest areas with a nice amount of shade for a hot summer day. There are a few large open-air enclosures that parents and kids can enter to see the animals and closely interact. In addition, there is a number of authentic farmhouses hosting all necessary facilities for the Kangaroo Creek Farm to be a successful, and accessible, family-oriented travel destination.

a group of kangaroos resting in shade
a group of kangaroo resting in the shade

Kangaroo Creek Farm used to “live” in Vernon, yet they moved to Kelowna a few years ago.

The Farm's address [as visited in 2021] is 5932 Old Vernon Road, Kelowna, BC.

Kangaroo Creek Farm directions from Kelowna map
Directions map to Kangaroo Creek Farm from Kelowna, BC

If you drive to Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna is will take you:

  • Kelowna, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 30 min
  • Vernon, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 30 min
  • Salmon Arm, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 1 hour 15 min
  • Penticton, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 1 hour 15 min
  • Osoyoos, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 2 hours
  • Revelstoke, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 2 hour 15 min
  • Vancouver, BC to Kangaroo Creek Farm: 4 hour 30 min




Excuse 1: The Best Place To See Kangaroo is in Australia 

Yes indeed, the native land of kangaroos is Australia. Yet, why would you spend over 20 hours on a plane to get a slightly different setting? Kids won’t care whether you are in Australia, Italy, India, Madagascar, or Cuba. Kids just want to see the Roo. The Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna actually helps you save tons of money on travel while satisfying the wishes of even the youngest adventurers. Driving to Kelowna to visit the Kangaroo Farm is a win-win for the entire family!


Excuse 2: Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna is just like all other Zooz 

Wrong. Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna is not a zoo.

Yes, there are dozens of animal species, sometimes quite exotic, that live here. However, the animals are not caged for the showcase. The animals at Kangaroo Creek Farm roam free within their large enclosures, while visitors can come in, watch and interact. Yes, you read it right: your kids can touch and pet almost every animal at the farm!

live interaction with kangaroos at Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna, BC
Kids can touch and pet most of animals at the Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna


Excuse 3: My kids will get tired quickly… they always do.  

Well, I very much doubt that. You've probably said as your kids are a complainer-type, you may be struggling to make your kids like hiking, or get your little ones interested in museums. You see, Kangaroo Farm is truly different.

There is so much to see, do and experience here at the Kangaroo Creek Farm other than kangaroos, that even the toughest children will be instantly fascinated! 

Wallabies, capybaras, goats, sugar-glider possums, ostriches, peacocks, chickens, ducks, turkeys, exotic parrots, lizards, snakes, turtles, bunnies, and even a large porcupine …that can all be petted! In addition, there are many learning opportunities here. 

direction sign at Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna BC Okanagan

Most interesting is probably the development of the baby kangaroo fetus in its mom-kangaroo belly-sack. 

learning poster - the development of kangaroo fetus
Kangaroo reproduction educational poster

Be prepared to spend at least a few hours at the Kangaroo Creek Farm. But if you are a photography enthusiast like us, bank half a day. Easy. 

…and don’t worry about the food. Kangaroo Creek Farm has snacks, hotdogs and ice cream, so your entire family can recharge, and continue enjoying your visit for the rest of the day. 



Excuse 4: Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna is too expensive 

Surprisingly, for the experience that is being provided at the farm, the prices in our opinion are quite low… 

In summer of 2021 the adult tickets were $12, children and youth $6, Seniors 65 yrs + $6, children 4 and under came in for free. 

Latest pricing at the farm can be found here

Dear Farm Management, honestly, you can charge more. Even if you’re not using the money yourself, give it to charities supporting Australian wildlife. 


Excuse 5: Our friends went to Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna last year and they did not like it

Whaaaaat? I mean, …seriously??! How can they not have loved the Farm? What happened? Are they sure they went to the Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna, and not to some other different location? (I honestly don't think there is another Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna though)

Anyways, you should not listen to anyone (even me). Just come to Kelowna and bring your entire family here, so you can judge for yourself. 

taking photos of a resting kangaroo at the Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna
taking my gazillion photos of furry Roos


[BONUS] Excuse 6: But I did not know about this awesome Kangaroo Farm!

Well… Now you know. Take your kids and go check it out!

Kangaroo Creek Farm wooden sign
Kangaroo Creek Farm website address




Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna Visit Tips, Rules, and Answers

Do NOT bring any food into the farm enclosures, other than staff-provided feeding packages. When entering the enclosure with goats – hide even that. Water is allowed. 

Pack out everything you’ve packed in – yes, Leave No Trace principles work equally well everywhere. Do not litter. Definitely do not spit chewing gum into the ground. Better leave all chewing gum, snacks, and sweets back in the car. 

Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna is a non-smoking family attraction. No tobacco products are allowed, which also includes no cannabis and no vaporizers.

ATTENTION: Kangaroo Farm closes early! Unlike most other family attractions in Kelowna, it actually locks-up at 3pm. So make sure you plan accordingly.

animal homes at the enclosure at Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna
farmhouses serving a shade shelter for kangaroos, wallabies and other animals


Important Summer Safety Tip: Kangaroo Farm is an outdoor attraction. It gets pretty hot on a typical summer day in Okanagan:

  • Make sure your entire family applies sunscreen prior to your visit. Only natural chemical-free sunscreen will do of course to make it safe for your kids and farm animals alike.
  • Same for hydration: make sure your kids carry their water bottles and take a sip here and there.
  • and of course, a sun hat is an absolute must-have.
Product natural personal care body skin hair - green beaver sunscreen
product water bottle pink
product sunday afternoons hat

Animal Interaction Rules:

No Running! Move Slowly so as not to scare animals.

Do not try to pick the animals up, push or hit them. 

You definitely do not “box” with kangaroos.

Do not chase kangaroos, chickens, ducks, and any other animals.

Kids can touch and pet kangaroos and most other farm animals. Pet kangaroos on their backs, do not scratch them as you would do with dogs or cats. 

Do not try to pluck feathers from farm birds, parrots and peacocks.

Similarly, do not pluck needles from porcupines.

Do not yell at peacocks: it won't make them display their magnificent tails.




Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there an age limit for kids to visit?

A: No, there is no age limit. A 2 m.o. or 100 y.o. can visit! And they should! Yet, all children must be in proximity to the accompanying adult.


Q: Do I need to reserve my visit tickets in advance?

A: No, there is no reservation required. Admission to the Kangaroo Creek Farm is on a first-come first-served basis. Yes, even during the COVID times, no booking is necessary.


Q: Do my kids need to wear a mask on my visit?

A: No, most Kangaroo Creek Farm activities are outdoors. Kids, nor adults, are required to wear masks or face coverings for as long as they keep social distance from other visitors. The only area where the masks in June 2021 were required for adults is the barn hosting exotic birds and parrots. 


Q: Are dogs allowed to enter the Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna?

A: Yes! (and Wow!) Yes. Dogs are allowed to enter the farm, yet they are not allowed to enter the animal enclosures. All dogs must be kept on a leash, or carried in hands or a carrier. No barking, lowd play is allowed. You can’t leave your pet unattended or tied somewhere while you check out the farm enclosures, so if your plan is to visit Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna by yourself, it is better to leave your dog at home. 


Q: Is there food or a concession stand at the Kangaroo Creek Farm?

A: Yes, they do sell snacks at the farm, and there is a hotdog and ice cream stand. You’ll also find water stations throughout. 


Q: Is Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna accessible with a wheelchair or stroller?

A: Yes! This cool attraction is family-oriented and is completely accessible. Just ensure you don’t have any food or lose items at the bottom of your baby stroller when entering animal enclosures. 

Kangaroo Creek Farm farm buildings
Kangaroo Creek Farm is accessible with wheelchairs and strollers


Our Family Visit to Kangaroo Creek Farm

Our first visit to Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna was in June 2021.

Until then, and although we traveled a lot all around British Columbia and the World, we did not think much about the Kangaroo Creek Farm. I mean, we knew it existed. But we thought the Farm was just like another Zoo where animals are caged and are showcased to visitors for fun.

I am sooooo very happy to admit, we were so wrong!

family taking photos of a resting kangaroo at the Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna
a family photo. by the end of our visit to Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna we were ready to adopt a new child!

Yet a few months back our 5 yo Cosmos said he wants to travel to Australia to see kangaroos. So here we had our son fall prey to Excuse #1 and Excuse #6. Lol. And hence the plan to drive to Okanagan was born. I mean, the boarders were still closed in June 2021 due to the ongoing COVID.

We've made a stop at the Kangaroo Creek Farm on our way back home from an amazing Pentincton vacation. Although originally we thought that, like in all other zoos, we'll spend no more than an hour here… three hours had passed in a blink of an eye! And I must say that if we had more time (the farm closed at 3 pm), we'd be happy to stay longer.

As a result of our visit to the Kangaroo Creek Farm I have a gazillion photos (Who would have thought, yeh?). Let me show you!




All The Magnificent Animals You’ll Meet At Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna in Photos

Awesome farm and exotic animals kids can pet

wallaby resting
Patagonian cavie (Patagonian mara) resting peacefully


albino wallaby kangaroo
Albino wallaby


a pair of wallabies resting
a pair of wallabies resting. or wallaroos? how can you tell?


red goat sticking its toung
Red goat playfully sticking its tongue!


black goat with large horns
Black goat resting

Here is what photography and videography equipment we use

check out our online professional portfolio


peacock walking on the grass
stunning peacock walking the lawn


live interaction with ostriches at Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna, BC
Cosmos interacting with an ostrich



ostriches close-up
emu ostriches are super-cute here at the Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna


ostrich face close-up
an emu ostrich is curious about the visitors


old rustic chapel and ostriches
Local rustic chapel and the ostrich enclosure around it


large turkey
one of the large turkeys


child petting a large porcupine
Cosmos petting the large porcupine


porcupine at the Kangaroo Farm
Porcupine Ema



child next to a bunny
Large bunnies are hopping everywhere


capybara resting
Capybara is having a nap


capybara and Cosmos child
yes, you can even interact with capybaras here at the Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna



Parrots, lizards, snakes and turtles

large barn with exotic birds at the Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna BC
The famous Red Barn hosting exotic birds


a pair of white cockatoos
a pair of white cockatoos


bright red parrot
Bright red macaw

Here is what photography and videography equipment we use

check out our online professional portfolio


green parrot amazon
Cool green amazon parrot


african grey parrot
African grey parrot



banana python snake
Banana python snake. Yes you can touch it too!


small lizard in a red flower
Small lizard gecko



The Kangaroos

large red kangaroo standing
Large red Roo standing on its feet


a pair of kangaroos
a pair of kangaroos working as a team taking photos with tourists



kangaroo face close-up
so beautiful!


large red kangaroo turning around
kangaroos are so sooo soft to touch. like a plush toy 🙂


large grey kangaroo sleeping
beautiful female kangaroo having an afternoon nap


Concluding notes:

We'll be back. Nothing much else to say. We will definitely be back and visit Kangaroo Creek Farm again once in Kelowna.

We also DO recommend this family-friendly unique attraction to any and every family with kids traveling through British Columbia and included Kangaroo Farm in Kelowna into our list of top nature and wildlife places to visit with kids in British Columbia.

Kangaroo Creek Farm wooden sign and Cosmos

By the way, if you like road trips like us, and are driving to Kelowna from Vancouver, make sure to check out these sightseeing stops and attractions along the way.

Don’t miss out on the new exciting outdoor adventures in Beautiful British Columbia or anywhere else in the World! Sign-up for our newsletter!


Here is another quick something for parents travelling to British Columbia: BC Outdoors Kids Activity Kit!

British Columbia family travel with kids educational activities and colouring sheets collection


Check out next: latest outdoors and travel experiences in British Columbia




Cheerfully yours,

Alexandra, Alex & Cosmos


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Alexandra is an award-winning Vancouver Mom-blogger & YouTuber, travel addict, children's author, and a serial entrepreneur. Her focus is on family travel, outdoor adventures, eco-lifestyle, and teaching kids independence, sustainability, and appreciation for the natural environment. Work w/me: ask@perfectdaytoplay.com

Blog Comments

[…] you don’t have to travel to Australia anymore to see and pet a real kangaroo! We have a Kangaroo Farm right at our doorsteps here in Kelowna, BC. Regardless of whether you have a child or not, you have […]

Absolutely love your article and LOVE the photos. So glad you had a good time. It’s always nice when expectations are exceeded I think? Like you, I’m not impressed with zoos. Next time you come out send me an email through the website and we’ll make sure you get in for free. Is it ok to use the photos if I give you credit?

Caroline, thank you for your kind comments. We were so happy we made it 🙂 yes absolutely you can use our photos, just please link back to our webpage and/or tag us on social media if you do. Say Hi to Roos from our son Cosmos, he had an absolute blast!